Confidential Patient Information

First Name:
Middle Initial:
Last Name:
Preferred Name:
Concerned with dental appearance?
Who may we thank for referring you to our office?
Past or present family members treated by our office:

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Legal Guardian #1 Name:
Patient Primary Address?
Zip Code:
E-mail Address:
Cell Phone:
Text/E-mail messages will be sent to confirm appointments-opt out options are available
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:

Parent/Legal Guardian #2 Name:
Patient Primary Address?
Zip Code:
E-mail Address:
Cell Phone:
Text/E-mail messages will be sent to confirm appointments-opt out options are available
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:

Primary Dental Insurance

Insurance Company:
Employer/Group Name:
Subscriber/Employee Name:
Subscriber ID/SSN:
Date of Birth:
Relationship to Patient:

Secondary Dental Insurance

Insurance Company:
Employer/Group Name:
Subscriber/Employee Name:
Subscriber ID/SSN:
Date of Birth:
Relationship to Patient:

Medical History

Is the patient taking any medication?
Is the patient allergic to any medication/metals?
History of a major illness?
Ever been involved in a serious accident?
Seen a physician in the last 12 months?
Does the patient smoke or use smokeless tobacco?
   Female Patients only:
   Has menstruation began?
   Female Patients only:
   Is the patient pregnant?

Check "Yes" or "No" on the following medical conditions below that the patient has had. Past or Present.
Asthma or Hayfever
Bone disorders
Congenital Heart Defect
Tonsils/Adenoids removed
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Heart Disease
Heart Murmur
Hepatitis/Liver Problems
High Blood Pressure
Kidney Problems
Nervous Disorders
Tumor or Cancer
Prolonged/Abnormal Bleeding
Rheumatic Fever
Sleep Apnea/Severe Snoring
Speech/Hearing Problems
If any of the above questions were answered 'Yes', please explain.
Are there any medical conditions we have not discussed that you feel we should be aware of?

Dental History

Dentist Name:
Last dental visit/cleaning
Is the patient presently in any dental pain?
Outstanding dental treatment to be completed?
Is premedication required before dental procedures?
Anxious or nervous about dental procedures?
Are you aware that some appointments will be during school/work hours?
Has the patient seen an orthodontist before?
If so, when and whom?

Check "Yes" or "No" for the following dental conditions that the patient has had. Past or Present.
Nail biting
Thumb sucking
Tongue thrust
Mouth breathing
Jaw locking open or close
Jaw pain
Jaw popping/clicking

Check "Yes" or "No" for the following problems you are seeking treatment for.
Missing teeth
Extra teeth

Records Consent and Standard Photo Release

I hereby give my permission for the use of orthodontic records, including x-rays, photographs, made in the process of examinations, treatment, and retention for purposes of professional consultations, research, education/marketing, or publication in professional journals.
I hereby authorize Smiles to Love Orthodontics to publish the photographs taken of me, and my name, for use in their printed publications, educational/marketing material, social media, and website.

I acknowledge that since my participation in publications, educational/marketing material, social media, and websites produced by Smiles to Love Orthodontics is voluntary, I will receive no financial compensation.

I further agree that my participation in any publication, educational/marketing material, social media, and website produced by Smiles to Love Orthodontics confers upon me no right of ownership whatsoever.

I release Smiles to Love Orthodontics, its contractors, and its employees from liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection with my participation.
I would like to be entered into a drawing for the chance to win a celebratory mini-session with Lady Brio Photography. If your name is chosen, you will receive 30 complimentary minutes of shooting time at an outdoor local location, 5+ digital images to keep, and a canvas will be hung up at Smiles to Love Orthodontics so everyone can see your beautiful new Smile!

If your name is drawn, you will be contacted by our office or the photographer. Smiles to Love Orthodontics reserves the right to publish the photographs taken of me by Lady Brio Photography, for use in their printed publications, educational/marketing material, social media, and website.
Relationship to Patient:


Dear Patient,

In order for us to stay within the HIPAA guidelines, please list below anyone that you authorize us to disclose information to regarding your Protected Health Information. This includes step-parents, grandparents and any care takers who can have access to this patient's records. It is not mandatory that you list anyone. (You do not need to list any of your doctors or insurance companies).
Do we have your permission to leave information on your voicemail/email if we are unable to reach you?
What is the best number and email to contact you?
Patient's Name:
Date of Birth:
Patient or Parent/Guardian Signature:

Acknowledgement of Access to Notice of Privacy Practices

Purpose: This form is used to obtain acknowledgement of access to our Notice of Privacy Practices or to document our good faith effort to obtain that acknowledgement.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES **You May Refuse to Sign this Acknowledgement. In refusing we may not be allowed to process your insurance claims••
I,   (Patient Name) have read a copy of this office's Notice of Privacy Practices.
Patient or Parent/Guardian Signature
Today's Date:
Authorization and Release:
To the best of my knowledge the above questions have been accurately answered and it is my responsibility to inform this office of any changes to the patient's medical status. I give Smiles to Love Orthodontics permission to perform the necessary dental services that the patient may need and my information will be held in the strictest of confidence in accordance with HIPAA.
Signature of Patient or Guardian: