Confidential Patient Information

First Name:
Middle Initial:
Last Name:
Main Phone:
Cell Phone:
Social Security #:

If patient is a minor, who is the parent or guardian?
If patient is a minor, who does the patient live with?
What are the names of any friends or family currently in the practice?
What are the patient's interests (i.e. sports, hobbies, or musical instruments)?
Whom may we thank for referring you to our practice?

Financial Party Information

First Name:
Middle Initial:
Last Name:
Marital Status:
Relationship to Patient:
How long at this address?
Previous address (less than 3 years)?
Main Phone:
Cell Phone:
Social Security Number:
Length of Employment:
Work Phone:

Spouse or Other Parent's First Name:
Middle Initial:
Last Name:
Relationship to Patient:
Social Security Number:
Length of Employment:
Work Phone:

Dental Insurance Information

Policy Holder's Name:
Relationship to Patient:
Policy Holder's Date of Birth:
Insurance Company Name:
Subscriber ID:
Group Number:
Insurance Company Address:
Insurance Company Phone:
Policy Holder's Employer:

Do you have dual dental coverage?
(If yes, complete information below)
Policy Holder's Name:
Relationship to Patient:
Policy Holder's Date of Birth:
Insurance Company Name:
Subscriber ID:
Group Number:
Insurance Company Address:
Insurance Company Phone:
Policy Holder's Employer:

Emergency Contact Information

Relationship to Patient:

Dental History

Dentist Name:
Checkup Frequency:
Last Dental Visit:
Has the patient had an orthodontic consult or treatment? If so, when?
Does the Patient need to premedicate prior to dental visit?
What is the patient's main orthodontic concern?

Please select 'Yes' if the patient has had any of the conditions listed below either now or in the past. Cannot be blank.
Abnormal swallowing (tongue thrust)?
Apprehensive about dental care?
Bad taste or mouth odor?
Bleeding gums?
Brush teeth daily?
Chipped or injured permanent teeth?
Clench or grind teeth?
Discomfort from teeth or gums?
Floss teeth daily?
Fluoride treatments?
Frequent canker sores or cold sores?
Frequently chew gum?
Frequent headaches?
Frequent sore throats?
Have wisdom teeth been removed?
Injury to face, jaw, teeth, or mouth?
Jaw fractures, cysts, or mouth infections?
Missing or extra permanent teeth?
Mouth breathing?
Neck or shoulder pain?
Numerous fillings?
Oral habits (thumb or finger sucking, lip or nail biting)?
Other periodontal (gum) problems?
Pain, tenderness, or noise in either jaw?
Previous periodontal (gum) treatment?
Previous root canal therapy?
Problems with food trapped between teeth?
Ringing in ears?
Snores during sleep?
Speech problems or therapy?
Teeth sensitive to hot or cold?
Teeth that irritate tongue, cheek, lip, etc?
Thumb or finger habit as a child?
Is all dental work completed at this time?
If any of the above dental questions were answered 'Yes', please explain:

Please select 'Yes' if the patient has had any of the TMJ conditions listed below either now or in the past. Cannot be blank.
Have you had a TMJ screening?
Do you have a history of jaw joint problems?
Have you been treated for "TMJ"?
Do you notice clicking or popping in your jaw joint?
Has your jaw ever locked?
Do you have difficulty chewing or opening your mouth?
Does your bite feel uncomfortable or unusual?
Do you experience soreness in the muscles of your face or around your ears?
If any of the above TMJ questions were answered 'Yes', please explain:

Medical History

Physician Name:
Date of Last Physical:
Patient Health:

Is the patient in good health?
Is the patient now under the care of a physician (other than routine)? If so, what is being treated?
Has the patient had a serious illness or hospitalization in the past 5 years? If so, what for?
Please list any medications currently being taken by the patient (include non-prescription):
Allergies or drug reaction to:
Aspirin, Ibuprofen, or Tylenol?
Codeine or other narcotics?
Local anesthetics?
Penicillin or other antibiotics?
Sulfa drugs?
Please list any other drug allergies or sensitivities that the patient may have:
Please select 'Yes' if the patient has had any of the conditions listed below either now or in the past. Cannot be blank.
Anemia or blood disorder?
Arthritis or joint problems?
Bed wetting?
Bisphosphonates (Fosamax, Boniva)?
Bone disorders or loss?
Bone fractures or trauma to face or jaw?
Cancer in family history?
Chronic fatigue?
Emotional problems treatment?
Growth problems?
Handicaps or disabilities?
Heart attack or stroke?
Heart defect (congenital)?
Heart disease?
Heart murmur?
Heart valves are damaged or artificial?
Herpes/Cold Sores?
High blood pressure or hypertension?
Hormone therapy?
Kidney disease?
Liver disease, jaundice, or hepatitis?
Low blood pressure?
Nervous disorders?
Persistent cough?
Persistent swollen neck glands?
Prolonged bleeding or transfusion?
Prosthetic joints?
Radiation treatment?
Respiratory problems or emphysema
Rheumatic fever?
Seizures, epilepsy, or neurological disease?
Sleep apnea diagnosis?
Sexually transmitted disease?
Sinus trouble?
Stomach ulcer or hyperacidity?
Substance abuse problem (past or present)?
Thyroid or endocrine problems?
Tonsils enlarged?
Tonsils or adenoids removed?
Tuberculosis or lung disease?
FEMALES: Are You Pregnant?
If any of the above medical questions were answered 'Yes' , please explain:

Patient Motivation For Orthodontic Treatment

Patients often request changes to their appearence and/or relief from pain or discomfort. Please help us to understand your concerns by selecting the best answers to the following questions. Be as specific as possible. If you are unsure or indifferent to a question, leave it blank.

If your teeth could be changed, how would you like them to change?

Straighten front teeth:
Straighten back teeth:
Move upper teeth:
Move lower teeth:
Eliminate spaces between teeth:
Eliminate crowding of teeth:
Make line of upper teeth more level:

If your facial appearance could be changed, what would you change?

Move upper lip:
Move lower lip:
When smiling, show my teeth:
When smiling, show my gums:
Make my nose:
Move chin depth:
Move chin laterally:
When closing my lips, reduce strain in my:
When my teeth touch, make my lips:
Get rid of sag under lower jaw:

If you want to reduce pain or discomfort, please be specific about its location. Select the right side, left side, or both if they apply.

My teeth:
My sinuses:
In front of ears:
Below ears:
Above ears:
In my ears:
My temples:
My eyes:
My neck:
My shoulders:
My jaw joints:

Patients Under 18

If patient is under the age of 18, please answer the following questions:
Has patient begun puberty?
If patient is a girl, has menstruation begun?
If patient is a boy, has their voice changed or have facial hair?
Has the patient grown in the past year or has their shoe size changed recently?
What is the patient's attitude toward treatment?
Has either biological parent ever had orthodontic treatment?
Patient / Parent / Guardian Signature: