Abnormal swallowing (tongue thrust)?
Apprehensive about dental care?
Bad taste or mouth odor?
Bleeding gums?
Brush teeth daily?
Chipped or injured permanent teeth?
Clench or grind teeth?
Discomfort from teeth or gums?
Floss teeth daily?
Fluoride treatments?
Frequent canker sores or cold sores?
Frequently chew gum?
Frequent headaches?
Frequent sore throats?
Have wisdom teeth been removed?
Injury to face, jaw, teeth, or mouth?
Jaw fractures, cysts, or mouth infections?
Mouth breathing?
Neck or shoulder pain?
Numerous fillings?
Oral habits (thumb or finger sucking, lip or nail biting)?
Other periodontal (gum) problems?
Pain, tenderness, or noise in either jaw?
Previous periodontal (gum) treatment?
Previous root canal therapy?
Problems with food trapped between teeth?
Ringing in ears?
Snores during sleep?
Speech problems or therapy?
Teeth sensitive to hot or cold?
Teeth that irritate tongue, cheek, lip, etc?
Thumb or finger habit as a child?
Is all dental work completed at this time?