Orthodontics is MUCH more than straight teeth, so to help us provide the best care we would like you to answer a few questions on your child's sleep habits.
Why is my orthodontist asking about my child's sleeping or behavior?
Orthodontic care can make a big difference in overall health. Until recently, Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB ) has largely gone unrecognized in children but can
have serious implications, contributing to: growth problems, failure to thrive, asthma, Type 2 Diabetes, ADD, ADHD, autism, hypertension, stroke and
cardiovascular disease.
The most common and significant causes are:
- Obstructive tissues (enlarged tonsils, adenoids, turbinate bones (in the nose), deviated septum)
- Lack of room for the tongue (narrow jaws, recessive upper or lower jaws, tongue-tied)
What happens physiologically?
With improper breathing, blood oxygen decreases and carbon dioxide increases. This triggers release of the hormones that increase heart rate and activates muscles
to force breathing (cortisol…the "fight or flight" or “survival” stress hormone). Although your child may not actually wake up, if this happens, the reaction
disrupts your child’s deep restorative sleep to “catch their breath”. Frequently for children who have a sleep disordered breathing problem, once they begin to
relax to the deeper levels of sleep, it happens all over again.
This is hard on the body – like running a race all night long. Your child may wake up exhausted
and unrested, but more importantly, prolonged levels of increased cortisol negatively affects the immune system, normal growth hormone production, insulin function,
gastric acid production, and learning and memory retrieval, and a host of other organs and body functions.
What are the implications of decreased O2 in a growing and developing brain of a child?
We now know that any airway resistance is not healthy and is harmful to the developing brain- it makes it difficult or impossible to store the information they learned
today into long-term memory.
Airway Friendly Orthodontics (jaw expansion, advancement of upper and/or lower jaws to create room for the tongue and open the airway) rather than pulling teeth or
using headgear (which can actually decrease the airway)
Referral to an ENT doctor for evaluation of Tonsils/Adenoids or allergy problems
Research has shown that the best results occur when both are done!